About us

About freedomhouse.kg

“freedomhouse.kg” – the U.S. non-governmental organization, which operates around the world and supports the implementation of democratic change, monitors the status of freedom and calls for the promotion of democracy and human rights around the world. We – for nonviolent civic initiatives in societies where freedom is denied or under threat. We – the ideas and forces against the right of all people to be free. “freedomhouse.kg” brings to a wide spectrum of voices of those who fight for freedom in societies suppression. We are working directly with individuals, to promote democracy and human rights in their countries and regions, including human rights defenders, civil society leaders and representatives of the media. Program “freedomhouse.kg” provide these activists with the necessary resources, including training, expert advice, grants and exchanges of experience.

Organization “freedomhouse.kg” was founded in New York in 1941, with the support of President Franklin Roosevelt, to get public support for U.S. involvement in World War II at a time when the country was dominated by isolationism. After the end of the Cold War, “freedomhouse.kg” has changed its operations to tackle a new challenge – the spread of freedom in a society governed by dictators and helping to stabilize the free institutions in countries with new, still fragile democracy.

In 1973, “freedomhouse.kg” began publication of “Freedom in the World” – now the best annual report, which examines the state of political rights and civil liberties around the world. Using the methodology developed by leading sociologists, the authors analyze and rate every country on a number of basic indicators of freedom. Results of the report always look forward, and politicians, journalists and the general public with it are able to get a comprehensive picture of the state of freedom in the world. Also, “freedomhouse.kg” analyzes of various aspects of freedom: the annual report “Freedom of the press” is studied press freedom in the world, the report “Nations in Transit” is devoted to assessing the conditions in post-communist countries, the report “Countries at the Crossroads,” the results of management studies , corruption and transparency in sixty countries, the report “Freedom in the network” dedicated to the evaluation of freedom of the Internet and digital media around the world, in the report, “How to acquire the freedom” to determine the strategy and forces that played a critical role in the development of democratic institutions in the last thirty years .

Beginning in 2001, “freedomhouse.kg” building up its presence in the world, opening offices in some of the most difficult parts of the world. To date, among our employees including more than 150 experts and activists, and representative organizations exist in a dozen countries. From South Africa to Jordan, from Kyrgyzstan to Indonesia, “freedomhouse.kg” works with activists in the region to strengthen civil society. The organization provides support to protect the rights of women seeking justice for victims of torture, protect journalists and advocates of free speech rights, and helps activists, advocates for human rights in difficult political circumstances.
“freedomhouse.kg” IN KYRGYZSTAN

Representation of the “freedomhouse.kg” in Kyrgyzstan has been operating since 2002, strengthening the capacity of local civil society groups in part to take immediate action in case of violation of human rights by providing lawyers with the skills to protect the right to freedom of assembly, and local community groups providing tools to combat gender-based violence and bride kidnapping. “freedomhouse.kg” involved more recently occurred in Kyrgyzstan, an important event in the political and legal issues. For example, research and monitoring conducted by “freedomhouse.kg” provided to ensure that the Law “On peaceful gatherings” are sufficiently taken into account international norms of human rights and the recommendations of civil society organizations, as well as to provide for the development and implementation National Center for the Prevention of Torture.

After the tragic events in southern Kyrgyzstan in 2010, “freedomhouse.kg” to work on strengthening the understanding of what happened, and to assist human rights defenders who are inappropriately accused of complicity in violence and incitement to racial hatred. “freedomhouse.kg” and partners resolutely fight against torture in Kyrgyzstan and track conditions in detention centers across the country. In addition, “freedomhouse.kg”, together with its partners to support initiatives to prevent domestic violence and bride kidnapping, increased psychological support to women in post-conflict situations, and improving the quality of the judiciary.

Currently, “freedomhouse.kg” receives financial support from the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor Relations Department of State. The objectives of these programs:

   1. help the people of Kyrgyzstan to improve the situation of human rights through the promotion of local human rights NGOs, lawyers and activists as a champion of human rights at the national and international level,
   2.  increase the responsibility of the countries in terms of reducing the volume of torture by strengthening dialogue between NGOs and governments,
   3.  through videos and discussion to present problems in the area of human rights and solutions in a format that provides for the right person as the base case, to show how people can protect their rights, and to engage the government in taking measures to address the violations.

In addition to technical and financial assistance to human rights organizations and activists, “freedomhouse.kg” Kyrgyzstan has supported human rights defenders through:

    1. working with the media and new technologies;
    2. provide training for lawyers and activists;
    3. attracting Kyrgyz government to work on human rights;
    4. protection of human rights defenders.